Thursday, February 7, 2019

Here s new 1 recording species to the garden of our agricultural land, Zyxomma species ! -  How s starting sunny at the day (2/2/2019) on a general coordinat S:08'31.345'E:117'25.063. Here s be a lucky moment to the garden as an idea of observation . A corner side of pond, there s looking for plants, : bananas tree, papaya, and lined leaves categoried of traditional drinking medicinal (sereh) . How s interest for looking to get for family looking as a colour of tea. There was spoting of Zyxomma genus captured. An individual and looking for baby young dragonflie . What a coordinat for get back the sun to the leaf !

Eyes composition looking !
DocDeny Wahyudi
Pale transparancy clean body looks ! Hard yellowish - orange on black lined abdomen .DocDeny Wahyudi

A young colour abdomen to get lined - hard segment model on an appendage type .
Doc. Deny Wahyudi

An individue body completement potrait !
Doc. Deny Wahyudi

There s minutes observation captured for the species of Zyxomma interest resting to the leaf at the morning. But, there s not just a species captured to the area . Here s another species record at the time of same day (2/2/2019) :

Agriocnemis femina Doc. Deny Wahyudi
Pseudagrion rubriceps
Doc. Deny Wahyudi
Libellago lineata
Doc. Deny Wahyudi
Agriocnemis femina
Deny Wahyudi
Pseudagrion pilidorsum declaratumDoc. Deny Wahyudi
Diplacodes trivialisDoc. Deny Wahyudi

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Tag : species , biodiversity , odonatanusatenggara , denywahyudi

Friday, February 1, 2019

What the day of male potamarcha heavy rain , there s looking for 3 individue at the garden !  -  A dragonfly personale of Libellulidae with scientific name Potamarcha congener , and populare English name : yellow tailed - ashy skimmer, swampwatcher   looking at the top of dry lined bamboo for observation (S:08'31.345'E:117'25.063) . Here s a moment to be, get the capturing of species gain at the distance of rain season on January (1/28/2019) . What a distance of month until the last capturing individue for a month ago at least . An individue coming so calm as a distance of swamp pond . Here s not good news to the fishes there sure !
Potamarcha congener male character to the yellow - orange tailed .
DocDeny Wahyudi

End of January feeling so fast as an intensity of rain. How s rain for week at the midle - January continue without stop (unstopanable) What s the weather season influence to the garden of agricultural - land with solanacea, chillies, and kind of wild plant medicine. What a complete of body pattern species as an interest there. But, there s just yellow - tailed with hard colour blue dank body proinuse looks to the morning.

Read More : Potamarcha congener (Rambur, 1842)

Agricultural land (garden), to the habitat of potamarcha
DocDeny Wahyudi

What s the morning drizzling to the garden as an idea capturing to the morning (8:34 AM). There s time observation to get interest the 3 individue male on the top of dryng lined stick of bamboo move to get new coordinat on the top of drying branch there . How s interest of comparation, where the coordinat may get as an interest often to the species of red crocothemis too . The Crocothemis red species looking for individue one hidden at the coordinat of solonacea plant. Sometimes, looking for interest to the species female yellow at the plants of chillie. What a reason attitude because, the potamarcha coordinat there, may be ! 
Potamarcha congener male on the top of branch when the heavy rain fall in.
 DocDeny Wahyudi I
Potamarcha species female pattern. Here s to be one favorite pattern to the garden - agricultural land. DocDeny Wahyudi

TAG :  Species, Swamwatcher, Dragonfly , Odonata , DW