Sunday, December 9, 2018

Crocothemis servilia (Drury, 1770)

Family : Libellulidae
Genus : Crocothemis
Species : Crocothemis servilia Drury, 1770
Habitat : Mangrove area, ponds, swamp, open - land (parking area), paddy field, lake, dam
Distribution : Olat rarang, Labu. Punti, ds. Jorok, ds. Pungka, Semongkat, Batu tering, Pemangong, Alas (Marente), Bendungan Bt. Bulan, Desa Masmak, Lape, Dano. Lebo (taliwang), Tanjung Pasir, Ai beling (Moyo Hulu), Kukin (Moyo Hilir), Penyaringan (Moyo Utara)

Sub - Adult male (10/8/2014). Location : Bendungan Pungka, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Spreading wide popular dragonfly color of Red blooding hard to the male. A personal of Libellulidae, a family of active dragonfly for get flying. This s species for easy captured for get attention than other personal of family others. Open - land, parking area may get as easy to get rilex for their attraction for flyng. Here s color of red (male) and yellow (female) to the sky for free. The male of species may get seen to the another of species documentation as a code how s the sociality interaction with others in a species. Scarlet skimmer, the popular English name called to the individue.

Adult Female (10/20/2017). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

The adult male is a full bright red - blood the body color with the the black stripe runs to the length of its abdomen. An inmature of male individue looking freshy with the orange kind of color. The female color sometimes liked identiccally for the inmature male individue. But, the adult female still be easy known as a  yellow body color. The difference of anal appendage finally seen as a different of the young sex of species ??!! 

Rigt male individue with female of B. contaminata (left) at the pond (2/14/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

 Resting pose to the open land of paddy field (3/15/2018). Location : ds. Jorok Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Female "closing up" of face (10/25/2014). Location : ds. Jorok Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Male "closing up" of face (2/17/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Female adult resting (3/15/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

At the seasonable of time. There s a moment to get a watching where s the species of this dragonfly on the sky for gathering looks like. The red of color made interaction on the sky looks a formation but still in a solitery active. Sometimes seen to the other male of genera and the female adult looks so welcome for inmature male interaction liked one in a family or kindly.

Sub - Adult male (inmature) (3/3/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Sub - adult female (inmature)(3/15/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

While in the day of light, there s looking individue for so weakly to get movement and injured. How s the color speak with the aggresive of their, or named a dragonfly illness ?!

An injured dorsally individue male (3/3/2018). The individue seet for an irrigation canal of paddy field. Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A female so weakly individue (3/15/2018). The individue may get at the branched bamboo by the ground for trying movement near the pond. Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara,Indonesia

A formation female(8/26/2018). Location : ds. Pungka, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

An inmature male species(12/9/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Interesting male adult movement typically (12/8/2018). ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Tricky adult male as a dominant typicall for a coordinat to the young of male and female when trying to get the documentation. 

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