Thursday, December 13, 2018

Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur, 1842)

Family : Coenagrionidae
Genus : Ischnura
Species : Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur, 1842)
Habitat : Mangrove area, tambak,grassy field,ponds,swamp (pond categoried)
Distribution : ds Pungka, ds. Jorok, Kukin, Olat rawa, pemangong (Lenangguar), Semongkat sampar (Batulanteh), Tiu kulit (simu), Bendungan batu bulan (Moyo Hulu, Kencana (Lb. Badas

Adult male Ischnura senegalensis (3/24/2017). Location : Sernu, sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Grassy field after rain may get as favorite to the species of Ischnura. Tropical bluetail may ges as a popular name by Its tail for blue at the top. The Male of the species may get seen easier than the female of the species. Aquatic plant (kangkung) to the rivers as a tropical taste be more friendly habitat for the slow - flowing boddies. As an extrem salt still be meet to the area of mangrove and tambak. 

A copulation - Completed wheels position to the spinula branch of mangrove kind. Location : ds. Kukin, sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A copulation - Completed wheels position (3/10/2018). Location : Bendungan Batu bulan, Moyo Hulu, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

The darmselfie of male with green and black to the body thorax, and the azzure blue segment on the abdomen (top - tailed). A comparation ratio for the male and female seen may get as a 1 : 3. Where s the eyed may find 3 individue male and 1 female (bright - light red (orange) as a sub - adult of individue ).

Immature (Sub - adult) female (9/30/2014). Location : Semongkat sampar, sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Immature (Sub - adult) female (9/30/2014). Location : Semongkat sampar, sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

At th the corner river area, the female immature of the species looking so active than the male adult and female. The female sometimes looking for flied slowly. But there s the male adult individue so extremely looking than the color green of leafe (Camufladged).

Field of grass after rain (3/10/2018). The lily water s grown to the scaping of puddle where the Ischnura senegalensis photo taken for copulation. Location : Bendungan batu bulan, Moyo Hulu, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Pond (10/20/2017). Side of flowing river for pond, where the aquatic plant populare local named Kangkung grown. Location : Bendungan pungka,Unter Iwes, sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

An old invidue of female looking so interest transition with the color of Its. The light orange color for red - orange may get to be lost and looking pale. There s time speaking to the age. The Ischnura genus sometimes looking die for the canibalism predator of bigger. Ex : Potamarchea sp, Orthretum sabina and sometimes looking for the same family on their personal of Coenagrionidae.

Adult female (10/17/2014). Location : Semongkat sampar. Batulanteh. Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Adult female (8/29/2017). Location : Bendungan Pungka, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

While in the female young - Immature individue to the slow - flowing bodies. The male individue of young and immature still be interested looking hidden for the Lily water flower of pond. 

Adult male (9/27/2014). Location : Brang Sampar, Semongkat, Batulanteh, sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A comparation young male Ischnura senegalensis categoried (2/5/2017). Up : the young male prepare to be Immature (Sub - adult). Down : An individue young been labelled. Locatio : Hotel Kencana, Labuhan Badas, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

An adult male (2/5/2017). Location : Hotel Kencana, Labuhan Badas, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Male adult (12/1/2018). Location : Bendungan Tiu Kulit, Simu, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Idonesia

Territorial (solitery) male (10/20/2017). How s looking individue for interest movement to keep area of species. At the moment time of place, there s looking for Agriocnemis genus to the area, and Crocothemis servilia as a blooming (individue total looking flied). Location : Bendungan Pungka, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia 

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