Sunday, December 2, 2018

Euphaea lara (Kruger, 1898)

Family : Euphaneidae
Genus : Euphaea 
Species : Euphaea lara Kruger, 1898 
Habitat Streaming lowland forested - river.
Distibution Semongkat(sumbawa),pamangong, tebamurin(lenangguar),tourism marente(alas) 

Adult male, E. lara (9/3/2017)for Its hard color body to the full body length s looking. Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia.

The male flied for spreading to the river area at the seasonable of rain. Here s looking for the river stone, flied slowly well to the river side elevation, small pond to get arounding for play ( male + female ). Sometimes flied high to the branch of Dipterocarpaceae tree.

A juvenil (inmature)feel for adhering to the river stone surround. The adult male is looking easier than the female sex intensity comparation.

Female adult, E. lara (10/24/2014) for Its body pattern and full body length s looking. Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

And individue little dirt for pruinosum body spreading covered. Its wings for a vena composite looking for doughy. How s tell in meaning if there s so different and nothing for color interest than the color hard of male specie. The species captured to the disturbed forest canal of Pemangong, Lenangguar (11/6/2016). Hows unique color pattern to the new thing of species.

An adult individue for pruinosum body covered to the branch of liana (11/6/2016). Location : River of ds. Pemangong, Lenangguar, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia.

Actually, the rain seasonable for the island may came (starting) for September or November. The species may get interest to get attention for watching. As a prediction of time for get yearly reproduction step cyclus. The male (female) starting for flying active as a dominat to the source of water river and get its appendage for water. Laying eggs ?. But hows interest the male to do, while in a chance time the female seen as a leaving of dipterocarpaceae species. There s a moment at least not more than 5 metre from the source of water river record.

A reproduction step to the species of  E. lara (10/11/2014) for the river stone. Location : 
natural tourism of Semongkat, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A tandem(stepping reproduction)to do, easy seen for interest at the river (canal) stones up. Sometimes hear liked a body drying interest for health reason. A minutes for drying and than move to the streame river of soil and than fly back to the more tropical area feeling. 

A reproduction step to the species of E. lara (10/11/2014) for the river stone. Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia
The time is running out for reproduction priode to an adult. Here s time to the larvae, inmature begin starting living for cyclus liked hows before to be, or more interesting than. 

A habitat growing model river to the species of E. lara (10/11/2014). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

At the light of the day when the rain may get finishing temperature process. The young(immature)identified E. lara looks trying to get movement by slowly flied.

Female inmature E. lara (10/11/2014)to the stone as an interest movement for slowly flied. Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

An individue female been looking for drying as a silent methode to keep balance Its energy for get movement to the higher coordinat up for the branch. As a natural assessment to reach the level up for age.

Male inmature E. lara (10/11/2014). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

The male position of resting looking so nice for enjoyable at the hairly leaf than the female. There s a distance of two individue as a comparation at the time. What s a male and female different for the morphology of anal appendage tern !!

Hows interaction of 2 individue male for a species interest of E. lara (10/21/2018). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A male individue of E. lara (10/21/2018) for a resting. Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Species photo collection

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