Friday, December 7, 2018

Libellago lineata (Burmeister, 1839)

Family : Chlorocyphidae
Genus : Libellago
Species : Libellago lineata Burmeister, 1839
Habitat : Streaming river, ponds, swamp
Distribution : Pungka (Sumbawa besar), ds. Jorok, tebamurin ( Lenangguar)

Male adult Libellago lineata (11/28/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

The Male indivividue of Libellago lineata or to be more populare as an English name of Golden Gem is easier seen than Its female of species. Here s looking to the open area for habitat to the territorial looks like comparationable. As an example : side of the pond, corner canals (river), and swamp. Hidden feeling for the female for the tropical of aquatic - terrestrial plant (genjer) or the darkness side of land or canals.

Immature male Libellago lineata (3/20/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

The darmselfly of this categoried for very attractive. Its adult male for morphology character : golden yellow markings on the thorax and abdominal segments, thers s dark spot on the tip of the forewings.   
How s interest young individue to the anal appendage model differentiation before (2/8/2019) . Location : ds. Jorok, sumbawa, province of west nusatenggara, Indonesia.

Immature male Libellago lineata (4/9/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

The Immature(sub - adult)male trying to get develop the shade of adult males golden color. While in the female of the species looking so greenish unique appendage to the immature (sub-adult) female.

Adult tandem, female (left) and male (right) to the ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia (11/28/2018)

 The female s looking for copulation (wheels position) to the corner open land of river and like for hidden (away) from the breeding spot where s the wheels done. As a moment time ever seen to the coordinat of terrestrial so far from river as Its color of hard - brown camufladge, the unique of appendage looking so interest for called inmature (sub - adult). How s transision of its appendage ?
A copulation (12/9/2018). Trying hard to get completed of wheels position. Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

 Adult male secreation (11/28/2018). The moment record as a time after the female greenish one leaft it lone. Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

How s the same sex of male in a flying dance(12/9/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia  
A copulation (12/9/2018). Trying hard to completed of wheels position. Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

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