Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Copera marginipes (rambur, 1842)

Family : Platycnemididae
Genus : Copera
Species : Copera marginipes Rambur, 1842
Habitat : Streaming lowland forested - river, swamp
Distribution : Semongkat (Sumbawa), pemangong, tebamurin (Lenangguar), ds. Jorok (Sumbawa), Sejari (Plampang), Batu tering (Moyo Hulu)

Female C. marginipes (12/22/2016). Location : Forest area of ds. Pamangong, Lenangguar, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia
During the first time seen for the female of the species to the river of Manggatal (Sumatra), there s interest for get information above. Here s many kind source as a topically body pattern for called the species name to Yellow Bursh - Dart relation the island of Sumbawa. Here' re  individual different pattern character for the island update categoried :

a. The yellow burst - dart face male appearance(1/2/2016). Location : tebamurin forest area, Lenangguar, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

As a frequently of seen, the male appearance of yellow, black ( dark ) stripe pattern body and full dark segment for whiten top tailed - may get as a common of character to the species. There s black spoting too for Its Vena.

b. Black symetry dorsal male (10/30/2016). Location : Forest area, ds. Pemangong, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Hard (bold) color of dark may get from the dorsal particularly until the segment of tailed.

c. Interest female (10/14/2017)to the soiled area of river. Location : Batu tering, Moyo Hulu, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Male inmature may get as an interest individual by the color of Its taile. Here s soft black for the cycle line segment for identified (S1, S2, S3, S4, ...... etc )  

d. Inmature male (1/2/2016). Location : tebamurin (along side of river), Lenangguar, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

e. Adult Female (1/2/2016). Location : tebamurin (along side of river), Lenangguar, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

f. Inmature female (1/2/2016). Location : tebamurin (along side of river), Lenangguar, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Tandem done as a way to get trying one another for built the interesting of known. Some time spending for leave one to get reaching and do the wheels position for the reproduction stepping generation called copulation.

An acrobatic procees to get completed copulation (9/3/2017). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Sumbawa, province of Nusatenggara, Indonesia
How s long of time to get the completed of copulation in an observation. But, there s just one second to call the moment for maintance the wheels position !!!

(i). The completed wheels position for the living branch of young tree of root from the family : Dipterocapceae (9/3/2017). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Two individue of different gender (Anal appendages difference) may get for flying race looks liked to an energy season for the copulation. Did the fishes of the river may get silent in a swim because ? Focusing to do for the species of C. marginipes first, of course.

(ii). The completed wheels position for the living branch of young tree of root from the family : Dipterocapceae (9/3/2017). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

The male copulation resting sometimes seen for the male. A resting moment to do as a second chance failed tandem. While in the female is going to get for slowly flying active.

Female (Up), Male (Down), as a moment together for aside of river forest (1/2/2016). Location : tebamurin, Lenangguar, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia.

Copulation completed trying to the root of living branch from young tree of root from Dipterocapceae(9/3/2017). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia 

Species photo collection :

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