Friday, December 28, 2018

Potamarcha congener (Rambur, 1842)

Family : Libellulidae
Genus : Potamarcha
Species : Potamarcha congener (Rambur, 1842)
Habitat : Low - land to the urbane,open land, ponds, paddy field, side of forest,river bank, swamp

Distribution : ds. Jorok, marente ecotourism (alas),ds. Pemangong (Lenangguar), Bendungan tiu kulit (ds. Simu),

An adult female (2/10/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, provnce of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

An individiue yellow body shrike known as a femlae of species looking alone to get fly at the river. Here s medium - big to the odonata size. What a time as a distance to get a moment to the land ! The female thorax color has yellow and black stripes on the sides with black and dull orange marking abdomen. Here s typically is not many different to the other size liked same Orthretum sabina. Somehow the male looking free kindly to fly at the land soiled for the vegetable and fruited. How s a distance of time ! The species looking to the ground when the seasonable of rain came (starting December until now).  

An adult male (2/10/2018). Pruinose body covered looking. Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

 Adult face to the male (12/22/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

How s the proinuse body covered until the part of segment (4/23/2016). Location : ds. Pemangong, Lenangguar, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

As a widespread and common species, the male of pruinose (pruinescence) body covered by the baseline color yellow liked the female looking hard to the observer for grounding. How is olivaceous yellow face to steel black or brown !

A symetrial - upper side body to the male (10/3/2015). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indoesia

 What s male resting to the sticky branch (10/3/2015). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A yellow - tailed skimmer, common chaser, or swampwatcher as well known as named. As a record shot of species documentation, the dragonfly spreading by the lowland (mangove), swamp, until the medium high of coordinat point at the land. How s captured by not a moment to the species copulation. 

How s female resting to the side of river bank (1/20/2017). Location : Bendungan marente tourism, Alas, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A female body shrike to the areal of pond surrounding (2/14/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Looking soliter individue of species to the paddy field as a territorial spreading wings ! How s fresh color of female to the yellow shrike with the green tropical and sounded of river.

How s near to get resting (12/22/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Orthretum sabina (Drury, 1770)

Family : Libellulidae
Genus : Orthretum
Species : Orthretum sabina (Drury, 1770)
Habitat : Open land, mangrove area, tambak, ponds, swamp, sea, parking area, regency, paddy field, slowly stream body river
Distribution : olat rarang, kukin, saliper ate(labuhan sumbawa), karang dima, labu punti (labuhan), sernu - kerato (Unter iwes), ds. Jorok, semongkat, semongkat sampar (batulanteh), bendungan batu bulan (moyo hulu), bendungan pungka (ds. pungka), pemangong (Lenangguar).

A female adult (12/7/2016). Location : ds. Pemangong, Lenangguar, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia
How s spreading populare in size of dragonfly, Green Marsh Hawk. The friendly active movement species to the open land surround and the the pond area of the land. There s not categoried of jugle (forest) draonfly. But sometimes may get seen as a resting of vertical to the leaf aside of the forest border.

The individue face looking tern as a green of eyes ! (9/23/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara,Indonesia
Head and thorax of an individue (9/23/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia
How s body pattern to baseline green and black stripe (9/23/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

The female and male adult individue of species has been looking not many different to the body, thorax pattern, abdoment and segment tailed organ. The real diiferent on the both of individue may get seen from the top white area tailed of anal appendage. Here s branched sharp of shortly fork to the appendage is female. And the male of anal appendage looking more tail, white sharpen, and slimmy fork than female.
Top tailed white model of female appendage (9/23/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A canibalism relate of its size to another character. Sometimes looking for kindly playing on fly to the other family of libellulidae as an interesting color, but there s not long for a moment of individue looking eaten as a canibalism.

Resting position while in sometimes looking get feeding to the mouth (11/17/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

" A vehicle running copulation model may get as normally of short time as a distance to the area of water. But, theres easy known by its completed of wheels position looking as a resting on the paddy plant body or the wide of aquatic plant of ponds "

Vehicle run resting (11/17/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia
 Completed wheels position to the branch at the open land (11/9/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia
Completed wheels position to the grassy paddy field (11/9/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A sociality of solitier individue typicale, sometimes the species of this dragonflie seen as a resting interest with the others of Libellulidae personale. Hows enjoyable at the color moment as a specific genera of taxon aslike Orthretum !
A couple of sabina to the completed wheels position as an interest to the an individue other male and red male of Crocothemis (10/8/2014). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Orthretum sabina head - thorax interest to get its autism interaction (9/23/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Territorial flying species shown (11/17/2018). There s moment recording to get after released in a wheels copulation completed. Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

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Friday, December 21, 2018

Diplacodes trivialis (Rambur, 1842)

Family : Libellulidae
Genus : Diplacodes
Species : Diplacodes trivialis (Rambur, 1842)
Habitat : Open land, mangrove area, tambak, ponds, swamp, parking area, regency, Streaming body river
Distribution : Olat rarang, unter iwes (sumbawa besar), ds. Jorok, ds. Pemangong, Lenangguar, Marente (alas), olat rawa, karang dima, labu punti, semongkat (batulanteh), kukin, labuhan badas, dano Lebo (Taliwang), ds. Pungka (Sumbawa besar), Bendungan (DAM) batu bulan (Moyo Hulu), ds. Pelat, Batu tering, Ai Beling (Moyo hulu), Bendungan Tiu Kulit (Simu) Maronge, Lopok, etc
Immature male (2/22/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa besar, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia
Spreading common ground skimmer. At least as an observation to let for the lately of attention. The frequency seen too often as one untli three individue soliter at the location. There s nearly as an interest to the areal of sea, mangrove, grassy - open land, soiled or the parking area of tourism. The immature (sub - adult) male as a transision color from the yellow stripe (black) body to the blue photo color below. The last 3 or 2 tailed segment hard black color with closing part by the appendage of white and long tail - folk type (composisional with body of medium - short. Here s no moment captured to their copulation proceess checked

A female individue (10/30/2016). On the resting position at the dryng grass flower. Location : Pemangong, Lenangguar, sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A female individue little pruinosum covered to the resting(10/30/2016). Location : Pemangong, Lenangguar, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia  

There s grounding spend to the species for shortly model flie. The species looking so active to the seasonable individue of gathering at the puddle of rain bank DAM for Simu starting December. How s the male adult in size for surrounding the wide of puddle,keep flying balance as a suistanable of movement, and than keep resting to the rock type soil baseline of river. No female looking there. 
 An adult male (10/13/2015). Lcoation : Paddy field area, ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia
A blue full body below as an adult male character. There s top 2 - 3 tailed segment black with the white of appendage color (9/23/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia
Asymetri dorsall spreading forewing. There s dirt little spote to the top side of the wings (3/15/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

The blue face of male adult individue (9/23/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia
An adult of female individue body species (1/25/2017). Location : Pemangong, Lenangguar, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia
 An adult female of dorsal asymetry wings (10/30/2016). Location : Pemangong, Lenangguar, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia
 A female adult face (11/1/2016). Location : Pemangong, Lenangguar, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia
Interest resting of adult female (9/27/2014). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

The female of the species is looking for yellow stripe of black. There s no many different pattern to the male as a final of tailed black segment for the last 2 - 3 with the white shortly folk appendage than the male !

An individue female (12/30/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of west nusatenggara, Indonesia

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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Rhinocypha pagenstecheri (Foerster, 1897)

Family : Chlorocyphidae
Genus  : Rhinochypa
Species : Rhinochypa pagenstecheri(Forster, 1897)
Habitat : Body forest river
Distribution : Sajari, semongkat (batulanteh)

Adult male (10/21/2018). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Actually there s looking for the female of Rhinocypha sumbana character as a color of yellow baseline with hard solid black stripe pattern body. The black of eye intersting with the black face dominant looks alike. Blooding red color alongside of tailed may get light with combination of genitalia organ (male) and fork model anal apendage. The hardly spreading spote black and looking little methacli on the quarter of vena (wings) as a real as easy known methode for difference with the female of Rhinocypha sumbana. 

Adult male (12/15/2015). Location : forest of river to the areal of Bendungan (DAM) Sajari, Plampang, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Here s  a living character of species to the forested of river. Flied as an active movement, for alongside of tropical river at the natural tourism of semongkat looking as a distance for an individue with the femlae of Rhinocypha sumbana

Adult male (12/15/2015). Location : forest of river to the areal of Bendungan (DAM) Sajari, Plampang, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

There s not a record of the author documentation as a female of this indivdue as a species of Rhinocypha pagenstecheri

Adult male (10/21/2018). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Rhinochypa sumbana (Forster, 1897)

Family : Chlorocyphidae
Genus  : Rhinochypa
Species : Rhinochypa sumbana (Forster, 1897)
Habitat : Forest river, 
Distribution : Natural tourism of semongkat (batulanteh)

An adult female (10/21/2018). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Interesting body color pattern species to the genus of Rhinochypa. Shortly darmselfie body as a black eyed of creaming - yellow baseline face as a hardly color body thorax. Spoting black to the pair of wing and red - orange alongside Its abdomen segment with finishing hard (bold) black to the area of apendagge.

A looking face and body area focus (10/21/2018). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A side of body color (3/11/2018). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

There s not a moment capturing to the male of species yet. The species may get as a seasonable as to an invidue for side of forest river categoried. Hows looking sometimes to the anonther kind of species as a genus of Rhinocypha !

A body resting of female (9/3/2017). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

 A female resting play (10/21/2018). Location : natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

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Monday, December 17, 2018

Pseudagrion pruinosum ( Burmeister, 1839)

Family : Coenagrionidae
Genus : Pseudagrion
Species : Pseudagrion pruinosum (Burmeister, 1839)
Habitat : Pond, river (branched) = canals, paddy field
Distribution : Bendungan pungka, ds. Jorok (Sumbawa)
An adult male (12/8/2015). Location : Bendungan Pungka, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Here s just only an individue of male sex genitalia (appendage) to the second chance of meet the species. By a different place of two kind tipycal habitat. The first individue male as a character description seen as an slowly flied active beetwen the aquatic - terrestrial plant of "kangkung" corner pond aside from the DAM of Pungka. 

 An adult male (12/8/2015). Aquatic - terrestrial plant of Kangkung aside to get resting model role as an active slowly movement. Location : Bendungan Pungka, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

An adult male (12/8/2015). An individue of dorsally border. Location : Bendungan Pungka, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

The male adult is recognised by its pattern heavily pruinose(Grey - Sprite). SolitaryThere s red - orange face and full body thorax  pruinosumed. Spotted black vena, combines black and red - orange alongside the tailed of segment as a finished by hard color of orange to the top of taile (apendage area).

An adult male (12/16/2018). Vertical resting canals position. Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

An adult male (12/16/2018). Vertical resting canals position. Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Pseudagrion p. declaratum (Lieftinck, 1936)

Family : Coenagrionidae
Genus : Pseudagrion
Species : Pseudagrion p. declaratum (Lieftinck, 1936)
Habitat : Forest river, ponds
Distibution : ds. Jorok (Sumbawa besar), bendungan Sajari (plampangan), Semongkat (Batulanteh)

An adult male (11/7/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Here s another one species from family Coegnarionidae. The Red color male comparation with the Blue male of rubriceps. But, there s both of face with yellow (reddish - orange)dominant to the face. How s evolution speaking to the near of species Hows lighting color of red to the body of male species as an interesting of eyes to get attention. The color of red may get as a young color red to the immature (sub - adult) age categoried. The abdomen segment tailed as a black in hard (bold) dominant, but there s hows color combine with the soft (young)red with top tailed (appendages area) is red but not really hard liked the red of body thorax.

Red color dominant and yellow face to the adult male of species (10/14/2017). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Yellow(rddish - orange)face (10/20/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A body color composition to the abdoment segment until anal appendage (12/15/2015). Location : Bendungan sajari, plampang, sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

An individue of female (body pattern attentioning)(9/25/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Individue female (10/8/2014. Location : Natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

Female anal appendages (10/8/2014). Location : Natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

An individue of male more often seen than the female of species. There s red male of individue to the side and surrounding the aquatic plant of the pond. The young male to a step before adult, Immature may get a significant of color changed by the orange light to the orange with the red but not looking hard. The female as a color of light pale looking so cute with the striped pattern line to the its lateral body. The female loooking flied away for keep a distance with male. When the seasonable of rain begin (End of September and starting of Desember). The species looking for flied running vehicle as a copulation step at the side of river beetwen the plant of aquatioc (kangkung). There s not just a couple of individue, but near of that s found another one. But, how s hard to say or just find a moment blooming of copulation to the species. That s be the real different of population spreading than the blue Pseudagrion (rubriceps) where the red male and pair as very familiar to the tropical forest stream at the seasonable of time !!

A young male (12/22/2018) on a vehicle running. Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

An immature male (10/24/2014). Location : Natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia 

An adult male (10/14/2017). Location : Natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia 

A copulation. Trying hard for get completed whells position (9/27/2014). Natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A copulation. Completed wheels position (10/11/2014). Natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A copulation. A running vehicle position (10/11/2014). Location :Natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A copulation. Hanging vertical rest position(10/11/2014). Location : Natural tourism of Semongkat, Batulanteh, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A male individue(10/20/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

A male individue (10/20/2018). Location : ds. Jorok, Sumbawa, province of West Nusatenggara, Indonesia

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