Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Afternoon hours spending record to the odonates of Lemor ? What hours for spending to get a recording moment of species dragonflies to the area of Lemor , Rinjani national park of Lombok , Indonesia (6/7/2019)  There was at least three hours to the watching in for surrounding the area for the pictures site ; hundreds metre distance of river visiting to the tropical kindly and walking in branch of trail for watering .

Tourism parking area . Photos taken to the afternoon in Friday (6/7/2019) , while in a time to get long holiday for the Iedul fitr . 

A site to get take a rest ( ; baruga )  or just make enjoyable for tourism to the center - land of tropical area (6/7/2019)

The odonates kindly checklist to the hours of Lemor , Lombok , Indonesia :
3. Euphaea lara lara

A tropical forest river and just attention to the trail side point to the leaf may get consentration for the species lucky time capturing at the time . However , few understand site to the abbundance of Rhinocypha pagenstecheri may get to be the one idea for spending time to shutter speed here .

Streaming tropical - river to the site of kinds ; E. lara , Rhinocypa pagenstecheri , Pseudagrion p. declaratum to the red body contrast than the green of leaf or just whitening water . Whats looking to the flying active of Lathrecista asiatica to the side forest get near for the river ? ( 6/7/ 2019) 

Chalky Percher

Welcoming individue to the species of Diplacodes trivialis by the land of fruit park Lemor . The species looking to the low - land flyng beetwen the dryng grass for camufladge interest at the ground . Grounding centimetres flyng from the ground . Theres just captured for the commonly body character of individue ; soft - young green with the cycle hard - dark segment to the tail . Hows the body size comparation smaller than the Green - Marsh Hawk , the famous great green giant colour dragonfly to the open land

Diplacodes trivialis , theres looking interest to the dryng grass (6/7/2019)

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Landing body interest looking rule material ( substart) of dryng leaf to the ground . Stoping to the land moment time observation for long time seconds . Whats looking of the individue dragonfly character by the pose ? Interesting hard cycle segment by its abdoment to the tail and hows looking colour back to the anal appendage looking for the body  .
Diplacodes trivialis , grounding skimmer to the land for the dryng branch , heres moment to the style in a dryng (6/7/2019)

Pseudagrion p. declaratum (Lieftinck , 1936)

High contrast red seen to the kind irrigation canal forest bordering area . As a longside canal by the metres , the male in a species of this P. pilidorsum declaratum looks to a number . A water clean up looking be priority of tourism area of family bathing up to the pool . Sometimes , hows the right leaf mongkey by the colour type of two visiting the point of tourism ; Maccaca fascicularis & T .auratus

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Pseudagrion p. declaratum , the species distance metre to the alongside river (6/7/2019)

A yellowish - red full body to the interest adult with hard - light segment to the top tail colour model of appendage . Whats interest colour ; white & purple to the head and its body, hows more than colour for looking just a protein .

Euphaea lara (Kruger, 1898)

The species right one to be the first captured at the top trail ( ; transect) for the river . The darmfly looking for take a rest by the micro habitat of leaf . 

Euphaea lara . A side of the species lined color body (6/7/2019)

Theres just only two individue to the kindly of this pattern Euphaea lara . Hows tropical ground forest of pterydophytes or just a branch of dryng to the irrigation .

Euphaea lara. A hard old brown body completed species (6/7/2019) 

Whats looking to the abbundance alongside irrigation ? More than resident to the specialist of forestry looking there . This is to be the popular one looking indicator . 
Euphaea lara. Asymetrial dorsal colour of E. lara (6/7/2019) .

A symetry dorsal feature ( ; speading ) color up the main hard yellow . Whats regullar spreading form by the irregullar looking form ?  
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Geographycal site looking for the lined of tourism by the river of just elevation to the land ; the species of Rhinocypha pagenstecheri to capture active flyng for 1 - 2 individue to a distance of alongside tropical river to the a site . Interest for silent to the leaf , get time to take seconds allow its wing for flyng again to get near for the mini waterfall at the top looking for river . Hows cute to get minutes for observation , hows tryng to reach the destiny and looks for tell something by the movement .

Rhinocypha pagenstecheri (6/7/2019) .

Interest individue to the canopy's looking . The species is flyng slow alongside to the river to take a rest for second at the leaf of green old . The streaming water of river feeling hard to continue up . 

Rhinocypha pagenstecheri (6/7/2019)  Hows light of intensity speaking to the comparation site to capture the species interesting ? After , the first site for the canopy beetwen two ground for the hill at the river . The species of Rhinocypha pagenstecheri looking too for the number look gathering at the site of more than enought light to the 

Yellow Burs Dart

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Copera marginipes , a yellow bursh dart individue to the location of tourism Lemor geographical garden of Rinjani ( 6/7/2019)

Both of two individue looking so romantic to the pair of kindly dragonfly species . Theres nothing a distance to reach one - another . They are capturing to the side of forest - river , a distance miles by the bamboo stoping tracking corner .

Neurothemis ramburii . Male . A Hardly blooding color red body to the wings (vena) particuraly . The body alongside to the tailed red with segment cycle bordering black until the top spreading color dark for the area of appendage . (6/7/2019)

Neurothemis ramburii . Female . Full body yellow to the abdoment alongside taile with black bordering color cycle segment . Hows wing to the hardly color yellow than the body and tail ? . ( 6/7/2019) .

Yellow tailed - Ashy Skimmer

Potamarcha congener to the level up of cable at the open land of tourism ( 6/7/2019)

Asiatic Blood Tail

More pictures to the species : 

The individue one to the focusing face of its . Theres capturing to the side of river for looking not more 2 individue  (6/7/2019)

Photo collection to the link below :

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