Pseudagrion p. declaratum ., colour red male to perch for alongtime of day ., that's soliter distancing with the female as interest to run or just reaching copula at the surrounding of site ..
Dragonflies and Darmselfies of Sumbawa
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Capung sambar merah
Crocothermis servilia ., red male of scarlet to spend times for perching on grass yard to the nearly of river ., so active , flyng and back again for its coordinat .,
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Pantala plavescens (Fabricius, 1798)
Wandering glider
Female of Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798)
Lateral side of male (♂) . location ; pungka , sumbawa , Indonesia. Author : DenyWahyudi |
Eyes compound and face on female (♂) .location ; jrok, sumbawa, Indonesia . Author : Deny Wahyudi |
Head , thorax , and abdomen to the dorsal side body. Female (♀). loc. jorok, sumbawa , Indonesia. Author : Deny Wahyudi |
Female (♀) . lateral body side. loc. joork, sumbawa, Indonesia. Author : DenyWahyudi |
Male (♂). Body dorsal side . loc. jorok, sumbawa, Indonesia. Author: DenyWhayudi |
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Orthetrum glaucum (Brauer , 1865)
Blue – Marsh Hawk
male (♂) ., head & thorax ; old blue
(midnlueight b ; berry) , a pair of blue with green to the great pair eyes
compound ; eyes of ocellii in white and pair shortly antenne
to the dark ; old blue to the fronz , clypeus , and labrum .
Abdomen ; blue standart ( baby
blue ) ; overall segment ( S1 – S10) , appendage areal ; old blue to
shape on hardly spin .
male (♂).old blue (midnlueight b ; berry) . loc. kelungkung. Author : DenyWahyudi |
A pair of completed vena ; wings to
the colour of black in a pterostigma . No capturing to the female (♀) of this
species ; as a colour as a yellow – brown colour . Ecology & habitat .,
flyng well to spread at the day ., to side of forest , dryng branch , and the
river .
Onychothemis culminicola (Forster , 1904)
Black – Ringed River – Hawk
Body lateral . loc. tourism of semongkat . Author : Denywahydi |
& thorax ., great eyes compound to the green old and
light ; old brown faced ., fronz , ocellii , clypeus
, labrum and pair of black in short antenne ., hard – dorsal
lined body for yellow ; along the prothorax to finish the synthorax ;
to spread dust for the body colour ; old red – brown and great yellow
line ( ; pallete ) . Feet ; black dust in colour . Abdomen ;
cycle ring segment to the right ; colour in red ; to the ring colour black
spreading for great (S1-S10) .,
dorsal side. loc. tourism of semongkat. Author : Deny Wahyudi |
Top tailed appendage ; black . Male (♂) and female
(♀) ; to look for similar one .
Grouping of culminicola to interest for the roots . loc. tourism of semongkat . Author : Deny Wahyudi |
Ecology & habitat ; dryng branch ,
dryng tree , pond – river to the side of streaming tropically in a rock – stone
permanent river ; a seasonale of
smelling fruit , to look for interest in a big roots for population ; at least
5 individue looks for grouping .
Lathrecista asiatica (Fabricius , 1798)
Asian blood tail
Anatomy and morphology ., head & thorax ., brown with blue to the eyes compound ., blue – dark fronz
for ocelii , pair of short antenne ., mouth ., overall great yellow to the clypeus and labrum .
`Body’s medium to colour in old brown posterior
., and striped line yellow – old brown . Wings ; transparency colour ., nodus to shape , to look easy and lined
– dark colour of pterostigma . Abdomen ., red blooding – tail ( S1 – S10 ) ; colour
segment along tail ; cycle dark ; and
top appendage are to the dust in
spreading dark .
Male (♂) & female (♀)
; to look for one colour ; female’s looking to proinose covering body colour ;
and the cycle – ring for segment is not better than male (♂) .
& habitat ; to spread well aside of streaming river , mangrove , little
pound to the river , open – land for dryng branch . Ever seen to the right
canopy – tropical streaming river and looking for patrol to the size of swamp
at the forest .
Burmagomphus williamsoni austrosundanum (Lieftinck , 1964)
location; tourism of semongkat. Author : DenyWahyudi |
head & thorax , brown – eyes compound colour to the pale colour fronz
, clypeus and labrum ; antenne looking for true in black . Ordinary pattern to the colour
on true yellow and old brown to the body striped ; a symmetry strip colour for shape in a dorsall of (; protothorax )
the species . Great yellow colour to the right hurt in dorsal . Wings ; to clear for black lined ; nodus and spoting black area for pterostigma to the top corner wings
location ; tourism of semongkat . Author : Deny Wahyudi |
Abdomen ; Completely great – old
brown for covering yellow to the tail – segment number ( S1 – S10 ) and area of appendage . But , the great
paint in yellow still looking for little . Ecology and habitat ; to the side of
streaming - river for dryng for the rocky or just a typically in a tropicall
forest residential . Feeling to easy found for resting baby – juvenile colour
size to the site of streaming - river ; between the rock , swamp ; little pound
to the side of forest river ; from the rain or just a water flowing to be
Tholymis tillarga ( Fabricius , 1798)
Coral - tailed cloudwing .,
– winged twister
male (♂) ., head & thorax .,eyes
compound ; red - orange for dominant colour than pale to the face .,
fronz , clypeus and labrum to the hard similar before .,
pair of short antenne to the colour in black ., thorax , synthorax
and prothorax to the body lateral as a similar as colour on
red orange , to look the colour of the face ., A pair of wings to
complete it spreading well ; great nodus on shape of pterostigma
., Wings ; pair of colour to spread for brown - orange well and white to
hindwing ., Abdomen ., Red
– blooding contrast orange to the tailed of segment (S1 – S10) ., top
tailed segment areal on appendage to the shape of long hard cerci
( ; cercus ) and sharpe .,
Female (♀) . Perch on. True yellow female to the overall body parts ; head , thorax and abdomen with pair of shortly cerci to close its top posterior . Author : Deny Wahyudi |
Female (♀) . Eyes compound ; yellow – pale to the
light in built flash ., aslike a colour of yellow happy bumbleedee to the thorax
, synthorax , prothorax until body lateral . Brown to spread
well to the wings and white for hindwings .,
male (♂) . Red orange to the body parts ; head, thorax, and , abdomen . Marking on old brown - red orange with spreading dusk little white to the pair of hindwings (hw) . Author : Deny Wahyudi |
Abdomen tailed , to
look for similar colour on yellow’s body ( S1 – S10) with top tailed appendage
areal on fat, shortly and hardspin cerci to the sideways ., Ecology
& habitat ; Flied well for ordinary to the pound , swamp , open – land and
sometimes looking for the great soliter one female (♀) in resting to the body of paddy plant .
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Zyxomma petiolatum ( Rambur, 1842)
Dusky Hawk
Head ; pair of eyes compound to the face ; fronz , clypeus and labrum . That's side of thorax to the similar coloured by the young individue . Author : Deny Wahyudi |
Abdomen - tailed segment captured for the first record shooting . Author : Deny Wahyudi |
Orthetrum testaceum soembanum (Forster, 1903)
male (♂). location ; tourism semongkat, sumbawa, Indonesia. author,denywayudi |
male (♂). dorsal side. location; tourism of semongkat, sumbawa,; denywayudi |
the dust of the body looks to pruinose for the weather of froze.., (S1 –
S10) to the segmentation of
yellow with ventral in grey ., short hair (;spin) in pair to the
top appendage to the last segment areal for looking wider than
male (♂) . Ecology &
habitat ., tropical – flowing water river to fly ., swamp to the side of the
tropical river , open – land to the forest for soaring ., sometimes
looking for soliter to the male , and to reach completed wheels in
stepping of copulation to the branch of plant to the flowing river bank
incompleted on wheels. up ;male (♂), down;female (♀) |
Dragonflies and Darmselfies of Sumbawa: Trithemis lilacina (Forster, 1899)
Dragonflies and Darmselfies of Sumbawa: Trithemis lilacina (Forster, 1899): Family : Libellulidae Genus : Trithemis Species : Trithemis lilacina (Forster, 1899) Habitat : Aside of main stream river to the for...
Trithemis lilacina (Forster, 1899)
Family : Libellulidae
Genus : Trithemis
Species : Trithemis lilacina (Forster, 1899)
Habitat : Aside of main stream river to the forest
Distribution : Semongkat
Anatomy and Morphology : Male (♂) , head & thorax ; red – light
colour to the eyes compound ; old – brown to the light from the built in
. The body is red ; the base colour looking hard – purple grey ; midnight blue to the 3
pair of knee . Wings ; nodus looking hard and the pterostigma
; right colour shape to the corner top of wings ; little colour
of old brown – orange to the side of the body ; vena starting . Abdoment
; S1 – S3 ; looks to the body colour overall ; S4 – S9 ; red – orange colour
to finish ; S10 to the old – dark blue ; cycle colour between segment to
the old blue looks for black . Appendage ; old blue looks to the black ;
short pair of fork model cerci ;
top tail . Female (♀) . Yellow – orange completed head
& thorax ; abdomen . Wings ; transparency colour
in yellow to the fore hand ( ; wing) and hard yellow to spread to
area starting body wing ; pterosigma is ready hard to know ; dark
tern . Abdomen ; lined - dorsal segment for old – dark blue ( ;
dunker) . Ecology & habitat : Flyng well for looking around the river bank
( ; pound ) , good running water – tropical river , and looking interest for
resting to the rock . Sometimes easy for seen to the grassy – open land of tropicall
Adult male of Trithemis ilacina (3/11/2018) . Location ; tourism of semongkat , sumbawa , Indonesia |
Read More : Libellago lineata (Burmeister, 1839)
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Afternoon hours spending record to the odonates of Lemor ? What hours for spending to get a recording moment of species dragonflies to the area of Lemor , Rinjani national park of Lombok , Indonesia (6/7/2019) There was at least three hours to the watching in for surrounding the area for the pictures site ; hundreds metre distance of river visiting to the tropical kindly and walking in branch of trail for watering .
Tourism parking area . Photos taken to the afternoon in Friday (6/7/2019) , while in a time to get long holiday for the Iedul fitr . |
A site to get take a rest ( ; baruga ) or just make enjoyable for tourism to the center - land of tropical area (6/7/2019) |
3. Euphaea lara lara
A tropical forest river and just attention to the trail side point to the leaf may get consentration for the species lucky time capturing at the time . However , few understand site to the abbundance of Rhinocypha pagenstecheri may get to be the one idea for spending time to shutter speed here .
Chalky Percher
Welcoming individue to the species of Diplacodes trivialis by the land of fruit park Lemor . The species looking to the low - land flyng beetwen the dryng grass for camufladge interest at the ground . Grounding centimetres flyng from the ground . Theres just captured for the commonly body character of individue ; soft - young green with the cycle hard - dark segment to the tail . Hows the body size comparation smaller than the Green - Marsh Hawk , the famous great green giant colour dragonfly to the open land .
Diplacodes trivialis , grounding skimmer to the land for the dryng branch , heres moment to the style in a dryng (6/7/2019) |
Pseudagrion p. declaratum (Lieftinck , 1936)
High contrast red seen to the kind irrigation canal forest bordering area . As a longside canal by the metres , the male in a species of this P. pilidorsum declaratum looks to a number . A water clean up looking be priority of tourism area of family bathing up to the pool . Sometimes , hows the right leaf mongkey by the colour type of two visiting the point of tourism ; Maccaca fascicularis & T .auratus .
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Pseudagrion p. declaratum , the species distance metre to the alongside river (6/7/2019)
A yellowish - red full body to the interest adult with hard - light segment to the top tail colour model of appendage . Whats interest colour ; white & purple to the head and its body, hows more than colour for looking just a protein .
The species right one to be the first captured at the top trail ( ; transect) for the river . The darmfly looking for take a rest by the micro habitat of leaf .
Euphaea lara . A side of the species lined color body (6/7/2019)
Theres just only two individue to the kindly of this pattern Euphaea lara . Hows tropical ground forest of pterydophytes or just a branch of dryng to the irrigation .
Euphaea lara. A hard old brown body completed species (6/7/2019)
Whats looking to the abbundance alongside irrigation ? More than resident to the specialist of forestry looking there . This is to be the popular one looking indicator .
Euphaea lara. Asymetrial dorsal colour of E. lara (6/7/2019) . |
Geographycal site looking for the lined of tourism by the river of just elevation to the land ; the species of Rhinocypha pagenstecheri to capture active flyng for 1 - 2 individue to a distance of alongside tropical river to the a site . Interest for silent to the leaf , get time to take seconds allow its wing for flyng again to get near for the mini waterfall at the top looking for river . Hows cute to get minutes for observation , hows tryng to reach the destiny and looks for tell something by the movement .
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Yellow Burs Dart
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Copera marginipes , a yellow bursh dart individue to the location of tourism Lemor geographical garden of Rinjani ( 6/7/2019) |
Both of two individue looking so romantic to the pair of kindly dragonfly species . Theres nothing a distance to reach one - another . They are capturing to the side of forest - river , a distance miles by the bamboo stoping tracking corner .
Yellow tailed - Ashy Skimmer
Potamarcha congener to the level up of cable at the open land of |
Asiatic Blood Tail
More pictures to the species :
The individue one to the focusing face of its . Theres capturing to the side of river for looking not more 2 individue (6/7/2019) |
Photo collection to the link below :
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