odonatanusatenggara.co.id - The garden vegetable and ponds (S:08'31.345'E:117'25.063) may get as a mainly land area of odonata favorite one, during out from the forest of Sumatra on activities. Here are kinds of odonata colour pattern to the area as a distance of year (2015 - 2019) on estimation of 20 species,in more than twenty colourfull pattern . Check it !
Crocothemis servilia (Drurry, 1770)
Flying active dragonfly as a weather of sun in a population ! Here s colour of different male & female difference.The red bold (hard) one is male and the yellow one is a female . How s looking lazy and weak at the ground, physiccally colour as dirt spreading to the yellow or looking so hard (blood) to the male ! What an easy found to the area of paddy, flying surround the ponds, and a canals (irrigation).
Male. Red fully body colour & here s little spotting dark to the top wings (vena).
Female. Yellowish light colour, black stripe-upperside segment
Doc. Denywahyudi
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Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798)
Here s just an individue of yellow female captured to the area garden of vegetable . Look s for resting at the morning not far by a farming road way .
An individue female resting to the morning
Doc. Denywahyudi
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Tholymis tillarga(Fabricius,1798)
What s lucky day to get body yellow female with interest tern of anal appendage ! The species one look for resting to the irrigate of paddy field . A symetri colour of yellow vena and Its segment circle bordering may get known this species one . As an information of the species record, the male were captured to my room as a hill of regency.
A female individue
Doc. Denywahyudi
Brachythemis contaminata(Fabricius, 1793)https://odonatanusatenggara.blogspot.com/
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How s visiting to do as a rare looks to the area of garden . The species of male with reddish body colour and flying to the pond area ! There is not more three times for season visiting.
An individue to the leaf of aquatic plant (kangkung)at the pond . Doc. Denywahyudi https://odonatanusatenggara.blogspot.com/ |
Rhodothemis rufa (Rambur, 1842)
Here s once visiting captured individue male of Rhodothemis to the pond s, looking to the mate of another personal of Libellulidae, Crocothemis servilia . A simetry lined to the colour light brown - orange side of the body dorsal until spreading little of its wing . Spoting spote to the top of handwings pose may calling as a common character to the personale of family.
An individue male Rhodothemis rufa .
Doc. Denywahyudi
Orthretum sabina(Drury, 1770)
What s looking on shrike - body pattern as a green black on striped . A pair of green eyes and black tailed with spoting white model tern on anal appendage model bring tasts how s predatore in homerange ! Sometime looks as an under (ground) - middle on flight to area of pond like a patrol . Here s looking for canibalism interest to the die dragonfly on the leaf of aquatic plant . But, there s time as an interest too when give an attention for their camufladged by the grass land on resting. Or may be, to their vehicle pose aside of river until get the completement of wheels at the irrigation of paddy field .
Orthretum sabina to the short plant leaf of land.
Click the URL link address to the information of species below :https://odonatanusatenggara.blogspot.com/2018/12/orthretum-sabina-drury-1770.html
Potamarcha congener (Rambur, 1842)
A season - series capturing to the kindly of Libellulidae. How s interest of a stranger individue looking for male on the top of bamboo stick. The female is flight on inches of soil. But,there s not new thing to the female for getting the coordinat as an idea for changing. What a distance of time on a season, the species coming while in rain on stable at the garden. Looking for territorial area, the individue pruinosed looks weak than the body colourfull movement .
An individue male . Doc. Denywahyudi https://odonatanusatenggara.blogspot.com/ |
An individue female
Doc. Denywahyudi
Diplacodes trivialis (Rambur, 1842)
What s an interest of species to the soil - land garden plant with the family of pieridae butterfly . Their low flight may get easy known by the hard character for get nearly ! Blue and soft green body pattern looking very familiar at the garden .
Trithemis aurora(Burmeister, 1839)
Just only seen an orange colour body along the year for capturing. Identify known as a male of aurora. But, at event moment day, the individue capturing below, look s for following like a female by the congener alongside the river. What s living for its first capturing ever on the garden !
Libellago lineata(Burmeister, 1839)
The Male indivividue of Libellago lineata or to be more populare as an English name of Golden gem is easier seen than Its female of species. Here s looking to the open area for habitat to the territorial looks like. As an example : side of the pond, corner canals (river), and swamp. Hidden feeling for the female for the tropical of aquatic - terrestrial plant (genjer) or the darkness side of land or canals.
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Pseudagrion p. declaratum(Lieftinck, 1936)
How s looking be as an intensity of population alongside the river . The male on red pseudzgrion with yellow face for starting the season of rain on November. The male s easier seen than the pale colour of female . How s often looking for on vehicle and compltement to do wheels position aside of river or just movement aside of pond cycling !
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Pseudagrion rubriceps (Selys, 1876)
There s not many differnt character living on blue rubriceps with the personal one befor pseudagrion, pilidorsum declaratum . The red colourfull light is more interest for watching than the blue one rubriceps. What s living of character male !
Pseudagrion pruinosum (Burmeister, 1839)
Just only an individue for this kind of pseudagrion. How s pruinose body covered with orange face capturing to the irrigation water type on rest. What a sounding of water relaxation model species in mind !
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Copera marginipes(Rambur, 1842)
What s capturing record to the area as an interest for reaching the side of river elevation by the pond on irrigation paddy . Here s been my record to the kindly on whiten tailed - cycling border of segment and dominant body black bold (26/01/2019)! What s an enthuastic of eyes as a dominant face partly, comparation of its face structural.
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Diplacodes trivialis (Rambur, 1842)
What s an interest of species to the soil - land garden plant with the family of pieridae butterfly . Their low flight may get easy known by the hard character for get nearly ! Blue and soft green body pattern looking very familiar at the garden .
A blue male indiviude of Diplacodes trivialis . Doc. Denywahyudi https://odonatanusatenggara.blogspot.com/
What s tottally individue number when the partly season of rain come. How s interest of species to the wetland meaning in meaning !
A female green pattern of Diplacodes trivialis Doc. Denywahyudi https://odonatanusatenggara.blogspot.com/
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Trithemis aurora(Burmeister, 1839)
Just only seen an orange colour body along the year for capturing. Identify known as a male of aurora. But, at event moment day, the individue capturing below, look s for following like a female by the congener alongside the river. What s living for its first capturing ever on the garden !
Trithemis aurora, a body full orange to the branch of short plant at the elevation side of river.
Click the URL link address to the information of species below :https://odonatanusatenggara.blogspot.com/2018/12/trithemis-aurora-burmeister-1839.html
Libellago lineata(Burmeister, 1839)
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Libellago lineata (male)
Doc. Denywahyudi
Libellago lineata (female)
Doc. Denywahyudi
Pseudagrion p. declaratum(Lieftinck, 1936)
How s looking be as an intensity of population alongside the river . The male on red pseudzgrion with yellow face for starting the season of rain on November. The male s easier seen than the pale colour of female . How s often looking for on vehicle and compltement to do wheels position aside of river or just movement aside of pond cycling !
Red male with yellow face pseudagrion. Doc. Denywahyudi
A female individue looks in slowly flied for grassy area and may get for reaching the plant surrounding . How s looking soliter female pseudagrion flight at the grassy of land . And zometimes reach a side line elevation river on hard !
Pale body colour pattern to the species female. Doc. Denywahyudi |
Pseudagrion rubriceps (Selys, 1876)
There s not many differnt character living on blue rubriceps with the personal one befor pseudagrion, pilidorsum declaratum . The red colourfull light is more interest for watching than the blue one rubriceps. What s living of character male !
Blue male rubriceps with yellow face.
The female individue one as an interesting flight to the plant of papaya.
Click the URL link address to the information of species below :https://odonatanusatenggara.blogspot.com/2018/12/pseudagrion-rubriceps-selys-1876.html
Pseudagrion pruinosum (Burmeister, 1839)
Just only an individue for this kind of pseudagrion. How s pruinose body covered with orange face capturing to the irrigation water type on rest. What a sounding of water relaxation model species in mind !
Pseudagrion pruinosum vertical resting model on the top of grassy leaf.
Copera marginipes(Rambur, 1842)
What s capturing record to the area as an interest for reaching the side of river elevation by the pond on irrigation paddy . Here s been my record to the kindly on whiten tailed - cycling border of segment and dominant body black bold (26/01/2019)! What s an enthuastic of eyes as a dominant face partly, comparation of its face structural.
A female on pattern pale colour individue .Doc. Denywahyudi https://odonatanusatenggara.blogspot.com/ |
A female individue of Copera marginipes . There s update record captured at the date of 26/1/2019 Doc. Denywahyudi https://odonatanusatenggara.blogspot.com/ |
Ischnura senegalensis(Rambur, 1842)
What s species specialist to the swamp ! There s soil - land character friendly to the spoting of grass and rain. The male is contrastly differently on colour, with the fwmale orange on striped - black dorsal.
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Agriocnemis femina (Brauer, 1868)
A specialist resident on the grassy part pond . How s tailed interest in a observation ! There s pattern in a different sex anal appendage type to the contrastly red female . What s an unique young body colour green - black shrike to be proinose colour in freezing !
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Agriocnemis pygmaea (Rambur, 1842)
There s green pale colour on pattern agrion on the pond. An enthuastic individue on grass camufldge s not many different with the character of femina one.
Source : Dragonflies & Darmflies of Sumbawa
Ischnura senegalensis(Rambur, 1842)
What s species specialist to the swamp ! There s soil - land character friendly to the spoting of grass and rain. The male is contrastly differently on colour, with the fwmale orange on striped - black dorsal.
A male species of Ischnura senegalensis.
A female species of Ischnura senegalensis.
Click the URL link address to the information of species below :
Agriocnemis femina (Brauer, 1868)
A specialist resident on the grassy part pond . How s tailed interest in a observation ! There s pattern in a different sex anal appendage type to the contrastly red female . What s an unique young body colour green - black shrike to be proinose colour in freezing !
An individue male with proinosum body covered.
Doc. Denywahyudi
An individue female blooding red on contrastly with black bold dorsal line
Doc. Denywahyudi
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Agriocnemis pygmaea (Rambur, 1842)
There s green pale colour on pattern agrion on the pond. An enthuastic individue on grass camufldge s not many different with the character of femina one.
Agriocnemis pygmaea
Doc. Denywahyudi